This weeks Blog homework is : How do you spread your holiday cheer ?
well @rambo and @missy This is my homework :)
Christmas has always been My Favourite time of year because its the one day of the year people will actually put aside their petty fights and still come together as a family.
Christmas...... family ..... always has gone together.
See my family may not be large but it is my everything,
So every year to spread my holiday cheer,
We blast every single christmas album my mother could possibly own.... ( tends to be alot )
and we wrap presents, and watch christmas movies.
Dont get me wrong this may sound boring to some but even the dogs get invloved.... ( i mean 98% of the gifts are for them after all)
its just getting them to keep the presents wrapped until december 25th that is the task haha.
Feeling a bit down this season ?
just remember family isnt always blood, reach out to friends, send a christmas card, Buy a secret santa.
Little gestures may not seem like alot to some but to others they can be the make or break of the season :)
I love you all x
and i hope you have an AMAZING christmas holidays xxxxxxx
Soniico xoxo