D4 was awesome last night in case you didnt go...
my argumentation class teaches me how to argue well so i can win fights and stuff but im somehow just not motivated to do all this work. seems to me like this theme keeps popping up into my life...
im in love with diet coke. it wont ever hurt me, will it? maybe if i get cancer, but i probably will get cancer anyways. what doesnt give you cancer? rock: im going to chicago on friday for a night to see the ghost play. im also in love with chicago, and there arent good odds that chicago will give me cancer. i spose its possible but...i lean towards no. ah, i have got to get through this hmwrk so i can try to do something fun. it looks nice out, im assuming it is. i slept through most the day! yay me...
my argumentation class teaches me how to argue well so i can win fights and stuff but im somehow just not motivated to do all this work. seems to me like this theme keeps popping up into my life...
im in love with diet coke. it wont ever hurt me, will it? maybe if i get cancer, but i probably will get cancer anyways. what doesnt give you cancer? rock: im going to chicago on friday for a night to see the ghost play. im also in love with chicago, and there arent good odds that chicago will give me cancer. i spose its possible but...i lean towards no. ah, i have got to get through this hmwrk so i can try to do something fun. it looks nice out, im assuming it is. i slept through most the day! yay me...
hope to see you go pink! that second application pic is uber-hot
thank you!!