yeah the branding was pretty painful but im one of those weirdos who doenst mind getting hurt...i have pretty vacant on my wrists also and various scribbles elsewhere!of course you can nick my hand tattoo but be warned that one hurt me most!but then i was hungover when i had it done!xxxxxxxxx
Shit can't believe been so long! Not had much time to sit at comp lately, been gettin my life back on track!
Which basically = been in pub too much. Oh well gorls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get back in the game.
Not that it seams to be doin me much luck, guy pursuse me, gets mutual friends to set it... Read More
Really need to start coming on here more.
Had such a shitty time lately.
Broke up with my boyfriend. Because of some medical problems I was having that effected my moods. Noce of him to be supportive. Grrrrr men!!!!
Dr's are stressing me out, telling me things are worse than they turn out to be before they actually know!
So i've been a hermit, tucked... Read More
I'm really debating on getting my septum done again, though a lil smaller than the pic above. i'm like 75% sure at the mo, so need a lil encouragement to get me to the 100% mark.
Am I really too young at 25 to decide I want a hysterectomy!!
Went to the doctors yesterday, for them to inform me they thing I have PCOS, they have to do a few more tests to clarify but the chances are high. Now i've already had a cyst on my ovary & endometriosis, so I say whip it out & no more problems. How... Read More
Well my first time on a skateboard went a lot better than expected! I didn't fall over once, mastered pushing off, stopping, moving & turning, though get a lil wobbly when trying to put all together haha. I'll be doing tricks in no time!! My bloody legs kill today though! Don't think i'll be out on it again tonight haha
I wish I had something exciting to say, but nope.
Nicely cooked yesterday helping my dad in the garden, been to a couple more b-b-q's & went out fri dressed from moulin rouge (the shame) well ok it was more a joke interpretation of it haha. Now i'm bored, want my friend to give me a skate lesson.