Shit can't believe been so long! Not had much time to sit at comp lately, been gettin my life back on track!
Which basically = been in pub too much. Oh well gorls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get back in the game.
Not that it seams to be doin me much luck, guy pursuse me, gets mutual friends to set it up, says just wants to me mates, not looking for a relationship, then spends all spare time with me, introduces me to family & generally treats me like his girlfriend....guys are such head fucks!! Normally they pretend they want something from you to get in your pants & then fuck you off, not fuck you off they act like they like you & no pants action.Make sence to anyone out there lol. But unfortuanetly really really like this one! Typical!!
Which basically = been in pub too much. Oh well gorls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get back in the game.
Not that it seams to be doin me much luck, guy pursuse me, gets mutual friends to set it up, says just wants to me mates, not looking for a relationship, then spends all spare time with me, introduces me to family & generally treats me like his girlfriend....guys are such head fucks!! Normally they pretend they want something from you to get in your pants & then fuck you off, not fuck you off they act like they like you & no pants action.Make sence to anyone out there lol. But unfortuanetly really really like this one! Typical!!