yeah just got my ticket for download! Can't wait, years i've been trying to get someone to come with me, really looking forward to it!

Well HAPPY VALENTINES DAY everyone, hope yours is a lot better than mine!
Work has just had me cleaning walls & ceilings in 192 rooms with my techs, I'm suppost to be telling them what to do not joining them...well least it took my mind off the mess that is my love life!

Last weekend I went for catch up with my ex & ended up staying the whole weekend. oops! Why does it always seem like a...
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yikes! that does sound like a bit of a mess shocked ugh, guys are so irritating like that blackeyed good luck with all that!!
haha well the traveller returned fri, left again this morning so that was easy enought o deal with didn;t even have to see him. But the other knowing I want to move out has offered me his spare room. whatever
I can't believe we're sooo close to x-mas. I'd like to think wooo time off work to relax & catch up on stuff & so far all i've had is 'so your comin out ...for...' so that's me booked up till I go back to work & blowing all my spare cash on booze! I could just say no, but I hate feeling like I...
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hope it was a good one
Just wrote my new year resolutions, think i'm a lil optomistic, they incl. learning to drive, moving out, riding more, learning to skate & getting all teh work done, i've been thinking of amongst a list of 20!
As long as I end up of of this shitty lil chav town i'll be happy!
Well I have the same ones as well...living back at my parents at 25yrs, I need to move out..!
Kat xxx
Exactly doens't help I have 2 younger sisters, 1 already gone of to uni & other going this year frown xx
So I finally get round to writting something on here, internet/comps down at home. Bosses around at work. Wish I had something interesting to say. My friends kindly given me a new haircut after a few glasses of wine, last sat. I'm a sucker for clippers haha. Will get a new pic up soon.

So nearly x-mas, I'm skint & only got half my pressies,...
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