Ever get those bursts of energy that just come outa nowhere? I love it. Had one of those mundane, tune out, put it in robot mode, think about nothing and just work days, then I came home, played guitar for awhile and WHAM!!. Just like that. The world was ash grey, and now it's gawdamn beautiful for no reason.
Cruised around the bay on my bike, picked up some cold Bass and plopped my ass rite here for a little stimulation...uh, NO not that kind you dirty bastards. I meant visual, or mental, but I think I'll end it right there.
It's awsesome out. SDs really a great place if you can just forget about things and flop in the shallows for awhile, real gluttonous. I've had it pretty easy here, but still I wonder what it would be like elsewhere...then again, summer is coming. Think I'll stay for awhile.
So I cleaned up my livingroom/paint studio since it's been completely uninhabitable for a couple of months. Funny I don't feel like I did anything in all that time though! I'll return later. I heard an old friend, someone I haven't seen for awhile, just had his first exhibit. I'm really stoked to hear that. This guy was doing better stuff in JC than a lot of the gallery art at the time. Real twisted too. Good stuff. I do believe he's gonna rock some worlds!
Years ago i baught one of the first HD based mp3 players. Archos jukebox. Hardley anyone new what it was at the time. It wasugly, full of bugs, crashed all the time, and kind of a pain in the ass. but I used the hell out out of it for about 2 years untill it died on me. I miss the little guy. I'm tempted to get an Ipod, but damn it takes alot of change for one of those. Hmmmmm.
Where did March go??
Cruised around the bay on my bike, picked up some cold Bass and plopped my ass rite here for a little stimulation...uh, NO not that kind you dirty bastards. I meant visual, or mental, but I think I'll end it right there.
It's awsesome out. SDs really a great place if you can just forget about things and flop in the shallows for awhile, real gluttonous. I've had it pretty easy here, but still I wonder what it would be like elsewhere...then again, summer is coming. Think I'll stay for awhile.
So I cleaned up my livingroom/paint studio since it's been completely uninhabitable for a couple of months. Funny I don't feel like I did anything in all that time though! I'll return later. I heard an old friend, someone I haven't seen for awhile, just had his first exhibit. I'm really stoked to hear that. This guy was doing better stuff in JC than a lot of the gallery art at the time. Real twisted too. Good stuff. I do believe he's gonna rock some worlds!
Years ago i baught one of the first HD based mp3 players. Archos jukebox. Hardley anyone new what it was at the time. It wasugly, full of bugs, crashed all the time, and kind of a pain in the ass. but I used the hell out out of it for about 2 years untill it died on me. I miss the little guy. I'm tempted to get an Ipod, but damn it takes alot of change for one of those. Hmmmmm.
Where did March go??
I want an Ipod too, but you're so right about the cost.
And yeah, where the hell did March go??