10 facts about me .
Today I want to share with you some simple facts about me . I've never done anything like this , I hope will be fun =)
1. I'm A Punk .
I think I realized it when I was a baby.
2. I love liquorice.
Few people love the taste of licorice , I'm one of them ! In Finland a lot of candy and this is my Paradise .
3. I don't know how to ride a bike.
I'm for green vehicles , but the bike is my weak point.
4. The first time I dyed my hair in 8 years .
It was a home experiment that we did with my mom . We lied to the Father that the hair burnt off by the sun.
5. I love piglets .
Don't ask . They are the cutest creatures on the planet.
6. I don't like spoiled children .
This is not good.
7. I'm a vegetarian .
I don't consume foods with murder for more than 10 years .
8. My profession is a makeup artist.
I am a professional makeup artist. Makeup is my passion and my livelihood.
9. My tattoo is a reflection of my life .
They are associated with people , events and remind me and others about who I am.
10. I am inspired by the time in which I never lived .
I like the 20 th century. Old stuff , culture , cinema , fashion and music inspire me every day.