okie dokie my internet is truely and finally sent up. Yea! my little laptop is finally hooked up! I have a kinda sickening attachment to my laptop apparently.....
I have 49 days now !
i'm going for my 90 chip. well, that's getting ahead- one day at a time. I just want to say again that Nixon is sooooooo beautiful. I want to play with her
last night i showed mike her set "cuddle" and he is thinkinjg about joining now( not like there are other reasons though, like the fact I have 0 army points). I so lame. Time for a fire. My new little cottage has a fireplace. Cleopatra and i sleep by the fire some nights. she's the best pussy out there. cat, that is.......my ex fiance David used to ask me what planet i was from. Now I'm starting to ask myself the same question. I have no idea how to go about making my dreams materilize. All i can do is practice, and pray, and rewrite all the myths people in my past have burdened me with. I better get busy....adieu.....
I have 49 days now !

I want to get another cat now , I had an all black stray that had adopted me , but this summer , a bobcat killed it on my back deck . I had named the cat Mr. Jigs , cause he had been hit by a car and left partially maimed so when he walked he looked like he was dancing a jig . He was the most affectionate cat , and a great hunter who would allways bring me gifts in the form of live birds and live squirels , which he would sneek into the house the moment I opened a door .
Congratulations on being halfway to your 90 day chip , and don't let yourself be burdened with other peoples myths , some things are best left where they belong ...... IN THE PAST . A good way to help make some of your hopes and dreams come true is to just take small baby steps in the right direction , that way you don't fall as hard during lifes little pittfalls .
By the way ......... what planet are you from anyways ? Just kidding , I have to go check out that Nixon set now