Happy new year ladies and gentlemen ! I'm having a hard time with my computer - it's not letting me make comments on other people's journals. So let me say to you here : Thank you Hecubus for the links, youre a gentleman as always - i've been busy making donations as well. To KreatinKaos my condolences about the ex - mired in that muck as well much of the time. To LaLa AliceLand I hope the cold around you lifts for this new year. To Aiden youre rocks are beauteous. To Elfboy beware of the witch hunters this wild night. To Jamie, sorry i didnt call - i will be tonight. To Ter Bear you piss drunk bastard i hope you won the contest last night. To work, dont party too hard. To merey fairy, fuck your parents. To Mickey, get it together for the new year. To Alex I hope you and whatever chick youre with tonight have a mildly good new years. To Mike enjoy being a pirate, I know you will. To Julz, dont let the joy end. And to you, you know who you are, you will be missed this new year - and thats the most honest and true thing my lips can give you at this murky distance. Blessing and peace to you all. Love and light.
Happy new year ladies and gentlemen ! I'm having a hard time with my computer - it's not letting me make comments on other people's journals. So let me say to you here : Thank you Hecubus for the links, youre a gentleman as always - i've been busy making donations as well. To KreatinKaos my condolences about the ex - mired in that muck as well much of the time. To LaLa AliceLand I hope the cold around you lifts for this new year. To Aiden youre rocks are beauteous. To Elfboy beware of the witch hunters this wild night. To Jamie, sorry i didnt call - i will be tonight. To Ter Bear you piss drunk bastard i hope you won the contest last night. To work, dont party too hard. To merey fairy, fuck your parents. To Mickey, get it together for the new year. To Alex I hope you and whatever chick youre with tonight have a mildly good new years. To Mike enjoy being a pirate, I know you will. To Julz, dont let the joy end. And to you, you know who you are, you will be missed this new year - and thats the most honest and true thing my lips can give you at this murky distance. Blessing and peace to you all. Love and light.
I know that with all of your hard work, this year will be a great one, but I'm gonna wish you a Happy New Year anyhow!