edit: A claification...
"sonet".. no its not spelled incorrectly.. Its spelled how it should be spelled.. I developed the name 1: because I write some really really lovelorn stuff 2: I use to "rock the mic" 3: sonet is actually an acronym for "synchronis optical network" in which that would take more than my patience to explain...
edit 2: Im miserable tonite because Im tired of feeling alone.. It only subsides for a moment.. I know none of you care... But thats what this is for.. for me to rant and bitch and moan, regardless of if someone reads, comments or not.
kingdom phylum class order family genus species...
done with edit for now.. "im freakin you oooh continue"
why do drivers.. tend to jump in front of you while you're going 20 mph faster than they?
why do drivers go 50 mph in the fast lane and when you go around them.. they honk their horns..
I hate driving..
but then again I hate walking..
sometimes wouldnt be nice if everything was at our call.
even ice cream shoppes, dining, other places of entertainment... like move the whole establishment, including guests, to anyplace I designate.
Maybe Im just a lazy bastard.. okay I admit it. I am..
If I could hire someone to hold my girth after wheeling me into the bathroom, I would.. If I could get someone to have sex for me and I retain the actual feeling, I would.. well I dunno..
But after whipping my own ass for 20 something years..
Im tired of doing it..
this is just rediculous I know.. but this is a very very minut abstraction from my mind.. In a what the fuck kind of moment..
now on to things..
Im excited for friday nite:
poe illmaticdove and I are going to see blacktapeforabluegirl
in which punknitemike may join us..
This should be interesting.. I really cant imagine having a good time at this event.. Company excluded.. But this is some sad shit.. and there probably wont be much said.. just some wallowing.. and dreaming of running through meadows of heaven while we slit eachothers wrist.. great huh..
anyhow.. satuday nite.. Im going to rubytuesdays for the lhc show.. which consists of the same bands playing at trauma...
sunday.. my tattoo artist, keef and I are going to pitt for a tattoo convention afterwards to tend a friends party .. coming back monday ..
tuesday... bento which is always a great and fun time with everyone..
wensday... snores...
thursday... going to athens to see an old "friend"
and etc etc for the rest of the week..
Im gonna be a busy boy.. especially if I have to go pick up lex and/or candysays ..
now i've been pondering on doing the whole suicideboy thing..
I mean .. the hardest part of that would be to show my unit.. and thats been shown.. (scroll down a couple posts) therefore we know I dont give a fuck.. But im lazy.. nicolelee is going to let me use her camera and I have someone to photograph.. so what the hell .. but is there really a point to it.. I mean besides bragging about my girth ..
I love photography and all but most of the stuff im into is urban decay.. I cant picture my nekkid in the cold in a fucking terminator future setting.. Im afraid my nuts would get stuck to something like that dog on joe dirt..
anyhow.. this is just some rambling poop..
end transmission..
IM Mojo jojo Bitch.
"sonet".. no its not spelled incorrectly.. Its spelled how it should be spelled.. I developed the name 1: because I write some really really lovelorn stuff 2: I use to "rock the mic" 3: sonet is actually an acronym for "synchronis optical network" in which that would take more than my patience to explain...
edit 2: Im miserable tonite because Im tired of feeling alone.. It only subsides for a moment.. I know none of you care... But thats what this is for.. for me to rant and bitch and moan, regardless of if someone reads, comments or not.
kingdom phylum class order family genus species...
done with edit for now.. "im freakin you oooh continue"
why do drivers.. tend to jump in front of you while you're going 20 mph faster than they?
why do drivers go 50 mph in the fast lane and when you go around them.. they honk their horns..
I hate driving..
but then again I hate walking..
sometimes wouldnt be nice if everything was at our call.
even ice cream shoppes, dining, other places of entertainment... like move the whole establishment, including guests, to anyplace I designate.
Maybe Im just a lazy bastard.. okay I admit it. I am..
If I could hire someone to hold my girth after wheeling me into the bathroom, I would.. If I could get someone to have sex for me and I retain the actual feeling, I would.. well I dunno..
But after whipping my own ass for 20 something years..
Im tired of doing it..
this is just rediculous I know.. but this is a very very minut abstraction from my mind.. In a what the fuck kind of moment..
now on to things..
Im excited for friday nite:
poe illmaticdove and I are going to see blacktapeforabluegirl
in which punknitemike may join us..
This should be interesting.. I really cant imagine having a good time at this event.. Company excluded.. But this is some sad shit.. and there probably wont be much said.. just some wallowing.. and dreaming of running through meadows of heaven while we slit eachothers wrist.. great huh..
anyhow.. satuday nite.. Im going to rubytuesdays for the lhc show.. which consists of the same bands playing at trauma...
sunday.. my tattoo artist, keef and I are going to pitt for a tattoo convention afterwards to tend a friends party .. coming back monday ..
tuesday... bento which is always a great and fun time with everyone..
wensday... snores...
thursday... going to athens to see an old "friend"
and etc etc for the rest of the week..
Im gonna be a busy boy.. especially if I have to go pick up lex and/or candysays ..
now i've been pondering on doing the whole suicideboy thing..
I mean .. the hardest part of that would be to show my unit.. and thats been shown.. (scroll down a couple posts) therefore we know I dont give a fuck.. But im lazy.. nicolelee is going to let me use her camera and I have someone to photograph.. so what the hell .. but is there really a point to it.. I mean besides bragging about my girth ..
I love photography and all but most of the stuff im into is urban decay.. I cant picture my nekkid in the cold in a fucking terminator future setting.. Im afraid my nuts would get stuck to something like that dog on joe dirt..
anyhow.. this is just some rambling poop..
end transmission..
IM Mojo jojo Bitch.
Im confused.....

I'm still going to the Timewarner thing. The hair salon is only part time. I wouldn't mind a second job. Thanks so much for the info!