So no one enjoyed my clever little interpretation of my current attitude towards love...
c'est la vie.
I miss my cello.
I miss it a lot. It was a good cello. It was stolen in 97'.
It was a good cello and it was mine.
I hope I get another one soon.
I know I'll be starting over, lucky to even remember 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'.
But I still want another one. While I'm still young. Even though I'll be too prideful for lessons and too jaded to practice at home.
This thread made me realize I'm not getting any younger. I need to find FOCUS. Its something I've never had. I was raised a child genuis but I wasn't smart enough to realize I was being fed false hope.
I'm not special. I can't glide over the hardships of life. I was never meant for great things... nothing other than individuality. And so I put my nose to the grinder:

I might as well just learn to trace and paint over photographs like all our modern artists but I'm trapped in the oldskool. This is my first taste of fan art since 2004 and the last being utter idle work sketched inbetween making lattes.
Its the skeleton of a foundation. It couldn't have been 20 minutes tops on paper, another 15 in photoshop but its the start. The important thing is when I started to lose the likeness inbetween pencil and pen I didn't quit. The next step is to actually finish it. From there I need to start making more. Start cleaning the edges. Start putting more and more time into a single piece without losing confidence or interest. Start sketching without getting embarassed again. Find freedom. Find focus. Actually invest myself.
Oh yeah... that was the whole reason I fell off the face of the earth...
Wish me luck.
c'est la vie.
I miss my cello.
I miss it a lot. It was a good cello. It was stolen in 97'.
It was a good cello and it was mine.
I hope I get another one soon.
I know I'll be starting over, lucky to even remember 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'.
But I still want another one. While I'm still young. Even though I'll be too prideful for lessons and too jaded to practice at home.
This thread made me realize I'm not getting any younger. I need to find FOCUS. Its something I've never had. I was raised a child genuis but I wasn't smart enough to realize I was being fed false hope.
I'm not special. I can't glide over the hardships of life. I was never meant for great things... nothing other than individuality. And so I put my nose to the grinder:

I might as well just learn to trace and paint over photographs like all our modern artists but I'm trapped in the oldskool. This is my first taste of fan art since 2004 and the last being utter idle work sketched inbetween making lattes.
Its the skeleton of a foundation. It couldn't have been 20 minutes tops on paper, another 15 in photoshop but its the start. The important thing is when I started to lose the likeness inbetween pencil and pen I didn't quit. The next step is to actually finish it. From there I need to start making more. Start cleaning the edges. Start putting more and more time into a single piece without losing confidence or interest. Start sketching without getting embarassed again. Find freedom. Find focus. Actually invest myself.
Oh yeah... that was the whole reason I fell off the face of the earth...
Wish me luck.
You played Cello??? That was the one instrument I always, always wanted to learn. I played fluit, sax and bass, but never strings. I should learn. I really should, but it becomes hard to see the lines, and the way. What is important and which battles you should choose.
I want you to see my new designs, what you think. I loose myself in it, but find little comfort. I'm sure you understand.
xoxo all my blood.