For about the past week I have had a spider in my shower. It was hangin out near one of the back little shelves so I didnt really pay much attention to it, just enough to make sure it wasnt comin for me. After the first day or so it shed its skin and went from a not so tiny brown spider to a slightly bigger brown spider with striped legs. For the next few days it still sort of hung out, every now and then tryin to move but it seemed to have some trouble so it ended up doin nothin. Yesterday when I took a shower I couldnt see it anywhere. I figured it had moved on to bigger and better things, hopefully not my bedroom. Today I go into the bathroom and the spider is hangin in the corner about 6 inches above my head and I can see the start of a web that it had started durin the night. I didnt mind the spider hangin out and takin a break for a little while but I dont really want a big spider with a giant web settin up shop on my bathroom ceilin. So, I grabbed a cup and a birthday card to catch it and then I took it outside.
Well done on liberating the spider, it will probebly be happier outside with all the trees and flowers and things to look at rather than just the top of your head 

so glad you didn't squash it, I actually like spiders and would never kill one, apart from black widows then they get squashed without even thinking about it, although saying that we have living on the window sill in the living room, as we never go in there I just leave it alone..