By this time next year, you'll wish you started today.
There were two MAP tests today. During the first one a student and a para were on a laptop in the little office off the lab so she could read the test questions to him. The lab doesn't have a wireless router so any laptops in the lab have to connect to the router in...
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There were two MAP tests today. During the first one a student and a para were on a laptop in the little office off the lab so she could read the test questions to him. The lab doesn't have a wireless router so any laptops in the lab have to connect to the router in...
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Kidney stone number nine made its presence known in earnest for the first time today. For the past couple of weeks it has ached off and on but didn't really progress beyond the dull ache stage. Today it flew right by that and went right into pain. I immediately remembered how much I hate the pain. Luckily it only lasted for two hours but during...
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The day went by pretty fast. Part of that was probably due to a random nap in the middle of it. On the graduate school front I started compiling a list for each school of what I needed to do in the application process. For the most part this information was fairly easy to find but at least for one of the schools it was...
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Crazy, Stupid, Love was a really good movie. Last night I only made it through the first half which I had already seen. Today I finished it and was completely surprised by how much better than average it was. There is a crazy twist which I didn't even kind of see coming and it hurt my brain a little bit but it was great. And...
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I think when I start having dreams of a seemingly normal world that turns out to be made of destructible blocks, it might be a sign that I have played too much Minecraft.
My lower back and tailbone still ache. I would like to say both are feeling better but I can't really notice a difference. I was still able to exercise today and do...
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My lower back and tailbone still ache. I would like to say both are feeling better but I can't really notice a difference. I was still able to exercise today and do...
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Today was Ping Pong's burial. For not having dug a respectable hole since constructing awesome fire pits in Boy Scouts, it went pretty well. I made a nice fourteen inch hole with flat sides and a flat bottom. Then I added a layer of small rocks on the bottom to help with water drainage. Next came Ping Pong, fully protected for the future I taped...
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I'm glad the burial went well! I'm sure she is happy that you would put in all that work for her. What a great parent you are! 
How old was ping pong? Rats just make such amazing companions, its never fair how short their lives are.
I'm sorry I made you cry! I shed a tear Reading your blog, so were even!
RIP Ping Pong

How old was ping pong? Rats just make such amazing companions, its never fair how short their lives are.
I'm sorry I made you cry! I shed a tear Reading your blog, so were even!
RIP Ping Pong
This will be a short one, minus the video game rant, because Im tired and I really didnt do much of anything today.
I caught up on my DVR stuff, sort off. I didnt actually make it past Doctor Who so Ive got all the stuff I taped today. This weeks Doctor Who was annoying because its apparently a two-parter. So I got all into...
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I caught up on my DVR stuff, sort off. I didnt actually make it past Doctor Who so Ive got all the stuff I taped today. This weeks Doctor Who was annoying because its apparently a two-parter. So I got all into...
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My day began pretty slow. I had my usual bowl of dry Life cereal. It really is better with milk but I hate calcium and my stomach hates dairy so I live without. Then I watched a couple shows OnDemand before getting ready for the day.
Some time after that my dad and brother stopped by to pick me up so I could go get...
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Some time after that my dad and brother stopped by to pick me up so I could go get...
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Work rocks.
Last night one of the best guys at work got fired for bein' late. He's late all the freakin' time but they picked yesterday to fire him. He was on his hour break and when he left his house he forgot his vest so he called and said he was goin' to be late because he had to go back and get it....
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Last night one of the best guys at work got fired for bein' late. He's late all the freakin' time but they picked yesterday to fire him. He was on his hour break and when he left his house he forgot his vest so he called and said he was goin' to be late because he had to go back and get it....
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nice job with the sombrero thing..

For about the past week I have had a spider in my shower. It was hangin out near one of the back little shelves so I didnt really pay much attention to it, just enough to make sure it wasnt comin for me. After the first day or so it shed its skin and went from a not so tiny brown spider to a slightly...
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Well done on liberating the spider, it will probebly be happier outside with all the trees and flowers and things to look at rather than just the top of your head 

so glad you didn't squash it, I actually like spiders and would never kill one, apart from black widows then they get squashed without even thinking about it, although saying that we have living on the window sill in the living room, as we never go in there I just leave it alone..