bleh. The Boy and I have both been home sick from work the last two days with colds.
On one hand, I like not being at work and being able to watch TV and sleep all day, but I hate being sick. I've just been lounging around the house feeling like shit and eating soup.
Hopefully I make a full reovery in time for my day off on Monday.
(here's a photo of me feeling (and looking!) like shit last night)
(and here's a photo of the mini-snowman I built on my porch. Note that thats a cigarette, not a nose)

On one hand, I like not being at work and being able to watch TV and sleep all day, but I hate being sick. I've just been lounging around the house feeling like shit and eating soup.
Hopefully I make a full reovery in time for my day off on Monday.
(here's a photo of me feeling (and looking!) like shit last night)

(and here's a photo of the mini-snowman I built on my porch. Note that thats a cigarette, not a nose)

Some of the tenses are difficult though. Russian isn't an easy language.
Hope you both get better soon
sympathy the bash