Hello and welcome to SG cribs! I'm SG member Somnia, and today I'll be showing you around my 'crib'! (also occupied by themilkman, thus the royal 'we')
(DISCLAIMER: I don't feel like resizing, so for larger, more complete versions of the photos below, please see my "pics" section)
Let's start in the living room, the most decorated room in my house.
Specifically, let's start with the most decorated spot in my living room, my pride and joy, the wall. The wall is the way we put up things we like without it looking as teenage-girly as the tape and thumbtacks of my old room. It consists of our art, other people's art, magazine cutouts and photos. See if you recognize any cutouts from the wall!
Next, we move across the living room to the other place we put all the bits and pieces we find in everyday life, the cork-board. A bit less structured than the wall, but just as fun. See if you notice any clippings that interest you!
Near the cork-board is another important feature of the living room: the TV. Aside from allowing me to watch Reba, my large wooden TV also gives me a spot to store my penis shaped cactus, and other knick-knaks.
Beside the TV live my tiny friends, Isaac and Snowflake the mice. Beside their little plastic home are such amenities as the change dish and the dying plant.
On your way out of the living room you'll pass themilkman's pride and joy: the book case. See if you own any of the titles, and marvel at the figurines that grace the shelves.
From there we move down the luxurious hallway ino the bedroom. The bed was un-made at the time of this SG Cribs visit, so let's look at the dresser instead. Like the TV, the dresser's main function is to be covered in items. Usually those items are the zillions of tiny containers I collect, but today, a pile of CDs join the fun.
Next we have my make-up area. The make-up area also houses the Q-tips, my jewelery, and the secondary dictionary storage area. Also the record player. This photo featuring my knees!!!
On our way back out of the bedroom, let's have a glance into the bathroom. Featuring a portrait of Bush and a Jesus-on-a-spring, the bathroom is a veritable right-wing paradise. If you don't get the irony that is...
Last on our tour, we reach the kitchen. This is where the grilled cheese magic happens. Please notice the bejeweled wisk set received as a gift from my Aunt last Christmas.
And as a final look into the house and decor of SG member Somnia, the telephone and answering machine area. As you can tell from it's designation, this is where the phone and answering machine are kept. Notice the stack of old playboys maintained for ironic effect.
Well folks, I hope you enjoyed/weren't bored to death by my little tour. It's always fun peeking into someone's home; spotting objects you also own, judging their decorating style, etc. That's all for SG Cribs, goodbye and have a pleasant evening.
(enjoyed this episode of SG Cribs? Have any questions or comments about Somnia and themilkman's humble abode? Please leave a message in Somnia's journal. She'll be happy to hear from you.)
(DISCLAIMER: I don't feel like resizing, so for larger, more complete versions of the photos below, please see my "pics" section)
Let's start in the living room, the most decorated room in my house.
Specifically, let's start with the most decorated spot in my living room, my pride and joy, the wall. The wall is the way we put up things we like without it looking as teenage-girly as the tape and thumbtacks of my old room. It consists of our art, other people's art, magazine cutouts and photos. See if you recognize any cutouts from the wall!

Next, we move across the living room to the other place we put all the bits and pieces we find in everyday life, the cork-board. A bit less structured than the wall, but just as fun. See if you notice any clippings that interest you!

Near the cork-board is another important feature of the living room: the TV. Aside from allowing me to watch Reba, my large wooden TV also gives me a spot to store my penis shaped cactus, and other knick-knaks.

Beside the TV live my tiny friends, Isaac and Snowflake the mice. Beside their little plastic home are such amenities as the change dish and the dying plant.

On your way out of the living room you'll pass themilkman's pride and joy: the book case. See if you own any of the titles, and marvel at the figurines that grace the shelves.

From there we move down the luxurious hallway ino the bedroom. The bed was un-made at the time of this SG Cribs visit, so let's look at the dresser instead. Like the TV, the dresser's main function is to be covered in items. Usually those items are the zillions of tiny containers I collect, but today, a pile of CDs join the fun.

Next we have my make-up area. The make-up area also houses the Q-tips, my jewelery, and the secondary dictionary storage area. Also the record player. This photo featuring my knees!!!

On our way back out of the bedroom, let's have a glance into the bathroom. Featuring a portrait of Bush and a Jesus-on-a-spring, the bathroom is a veritable right-wing paradise. If you don't get the irony that is...

Last on our tour, we reach the kitchen. This is where the grilled cheese magic happens. Please notice the bejeweled wisk set received as a gift from my Aunt last Christmas.

And as a final look into the house and decor of SG member Somnia, the telephone and answering machine area. As you can tell from it's designation, this is where the phone and answering machine are kept. Notice the stack of old playboys maintained for ironic effect.

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed/weren't bored to death by my little tour. It's always fun peeking into someone's home; spotting objects you also own, judging their decorating style, etc. That's all for SG Cribs, goodbye and have a pleasant evening.
(enjoyed this episode of SG Cribs? Have any questions or comments about Somnia and themilkman's humble abode? Please leave a message in Somnia's journal. She'll be happy to hear from you.)
wow....you are SO fucking cute

I like the tour