People fastidiously cling on to an unchanging structure of existence, simply because it has enabled them to survive securely, but boringly, in the past. Any element of danger exposed in a proposed new way of existence is blown out of all proportion, so as to discredit the new idea. If only they could realise that security is an illusion, and that, for example, alcohol is more of a threat to existence than, say, cannabis. If only they could see that society is structured in such a way as to give the average person a low level of general health and well-being, so as to minimise any threat from that person on the power hierarchy that is in place. It takes confidence, intelligence and strength to overthrow what exists, and that is something the establishment do not want engendered in the populaces it currently controls - it deliberately keeps the masses short of their full potential physically, mentally and spiritually. When shown how society has conditioned them to habitually sell themselves short of their true capabilities, the usual response is anger, not curiosity.
I'm so bitter on the inside, I can taste it on my lips...smell it from my scent and I feel it under my skin....
That sucks your girlfriend left... What does she do now?