Binary (base 2) numbers have two digits: 0 and 1. They use the same idea that each position in a number is multiplied by a power of the base (2). For example,
binary 10110 = 1*24 + 0*23 + 1*22 + 1*21 + 0*20 = decimal 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 = decimal 22.
To prevent confusion, the base of a number is often written as a subscript following the number. For example, 1002 is a binary number whose value is decimal 4, and the number 10010 is the decimal number one hundred.
When we speak a binary number, we usually just speak the digits. For example, 1002 is spoken as "one zero zero", not as "one hundred". Fortunately, we don't have to speak binary numbers very often.
A common convention is to write spaces to separate each group of 4 bits, starting from the right. This is similar to using commas every three decimal digits in the US. For example, 100000101000111 would be written 100 0001 0100 0111. This grouping is easier to work with, and especially to convert to hexadecimal.
binary 10110 = 1*24 + 0*23 + 1*22 + 1*21 + 0*20 = decimal 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 = decimal 22.
To prevent confusion, the base of a number is often written as a subscript following the number. For example, 1002 is a binary number whose value is decimal 4, and the number 10010 is the decimal number one hundred.
When we speak a binary number, we usually just speak the digits. For example, 1002 is spoken as "one zero zero", not as "one hundred". Fortunately, we don't have to speak binary numbers very often.
A common convention is to write spaces to separate each group of 4 bits, starting from the right. This is similar to using commas every three decimal digits in the US. For example, 100000101000111 would be written 100 0001 0100 0111. This grouping is easier to work with, and especially to convert to hexadecimal.