well, i'm out in the new house with my pregnant wifey. things are going great. i am on 40 days of leave from the military before i report in to start work here. i spend most of my day going for a nice run and working out good (trying to work off the liquor weight) and working on the house. i am currently going cold turkey on liquor, beer, and sleep meds. long story, but i haven't slept well in years (injury) and sleep meds and gin were the only things i could trust to get me some sleep. so, i took the 40 days off to work all that shit out of my system and get back in good shape. don't worry...i ain't a complete quitter! i will still drink a bit watching football and seeing old friends

here i am at my going away BBQ drinking one of my final beloved coors lights sitting on my beautiful jeep (that i had spent 5 months doing a bit of body work). and below is my married man hobby.

talk with you soon! oh, and if i missed one of your sets, remind me!!!

here i am at my going away BBQ drinking one of my final beloved coors lights sitting on my beautiful jeep (that i had spent 5 months doing a bit of body work). and below is my married man hobby.

talk with you soon! oh, and if i missed one of your sets, remind me!!!
so the new job ha you stationed near by right!? no more traveling!? hang in there!!!