i have not had much time to tell you. but one of the guys that put me in a coma two years ago, was locked up and thrown in jail last week! fuck yes! dumbass got a DUI violating his probation from my case. the judge brought me in and i got up on the stand and told the whole court all the recovery i had to go through from the injury.
over the last two years i have often fantasized of that moment. telling the judge and the whole court of what this fucker had put me through. and i fucking got to! and when the judge slammed the gavel and put that fucker in prison for 5 years...
i, and the DA (who have become my close friends) hugged and laughed. it was fucking glorious. i gotta throw in one of my hospital pics on this blog. the happy, newly married, army guy, SG fan was all but dead and gone a bit over two years ago. and now...one of the fuckers is getting buttfucked by large felons for the next 5 years!
never quit guys, if you want something and need something. never quit, be patient, and very persistent. you will fucking get it!

over the last two years i have often fantasized of that moment. telling the judge and the whole court of what this fucker had put me through. and i fucking got to! and when the judge slammed the gavel and put that fucker in prison for 5 years...
i, and the DA (who have become my close friends) hugged and laughed. it was fucking glorious. i gotta throw in one of my hospital pics on this blog. the happy, newly married, army guy, SG fan was all but dead and gone a bit over two years ago. and now...one of the fuckers is getting buttfucked by large felons for the next 5 years!
never quit guys, if you want something and need something. never quit, be patient, and very persistent. you will fucking get it!


It gives me such great satisfaction to know that he is crying in his cell while getting but raped by his new boyfriend!!!