Started my last semester on the 3rd! It's painfully hard and everyday I spend like 100 hours doing financial statements and budgets!
Went for a massage - omg, heaven.
Dog sitting for the weekend
Got my truck fixed from my accident
Went back to work
Started running again
Going to Florida in May - gonna ride the tea cups until I vomit.
Took out some piercings
Saw Dallas Green - He's sooooooooo dreamy!
My brother went to Thailand to work
Bought a Chanel bag - so hott
Thats it.
Started my last semester on the 3rd! It's painfully hard and everyday I spend like 100 hours doing financial statements and budgets!
Went for a massage - omg, heaven.
Dog sitting for the weekend
Got my truck fixed from my accident
Went back to work
Started running again
Going to Florida in May - gonna ride the tea cups until I vomit.
Took out some piercings
Saw Dallas Green - He's sooooooooo dreamy!
My brother went to Thailand to work
Bought a Chanel bag - so hott
Thats it.
The latitiude you have for metal and hair really depends are where you want to be. Trite and glaringly obvious, perhaps, but a lesson that I spent close to 3 years learning first hand. Unless it is for gedankenexperiment or as a means to an end (where the means are truly justified) it just isn't worth it to deny your ideals.
PS. Congrats on finishing this part of your education. B.Comm?