I'm in my own world trapped in my own prison. I"ll update later with something more usefull and fruitful.
I'm sorry to all of those I've hurt
I'm sorry to everyone I've ever pushed away
I'm sorry to anyone who I've ever made feel bad
I'm sorry for a lot of things which I can't undo
I'm only human, I cry, I bleed, and I feel emotional and physical pain. I can only say I'm sorry and what I feel but nothing will ever come close to my physical support.
I wish things could be different and hope they do become different too. But it's a choice I can't make at this point...
I just want to say I love you all... especially you.
I'm sorry to all of those I've hurt
I'm sorry to everyone I've ever pushed away
I'm sorry to anyone who I've ever made feel bad
I'm sorry for a lot of things which I can't undo
I'm only human, I cry, I bleed, and I feel emotional and physical pain. I can only say I'm sorry and what I feel but nothing will ever come close to my physical support.
I wish things could be different and hope they do become different too. But it's a choice I can't make at this point...
I just want to say I love you all... especially you.
i'm NOT human.