I have once again taken up the hobby of playing... DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! *gasp!* Phear for my soul!
Seriously though, its the equivelent of a really kick ass board game for those with an inner nerd, and pretty fun when you get right down to it. It should be fun to hang out and play a game or two with my friends... And hit on the gamer girls in the group. Bwahaha
Seriously though, its the equivelent of a really kick ass board game for those with an inner nerd, and pretty fun when you get right down to it. It should be fun to hang out and play a game or two with my friends... And hit on the gamer girls in the group. Bwahaha
Nah it's not that, I just don't have much web access right now as my laptop still hasn't been replaced.
Sure I bought you some chocolate. I put it next to the giant golden statue I made of you! I bet you could incorporate that into a campaign, somehow.