Ive been drawing a lot more, lately, getting back into my art. I LOVE pastels. The only thing I wish Is that I had someone bueatiful to sketch. I need to work on my figure drawing skills, I think. My works tend to be a bit... otherworldly
Oh! Speaking of, I have to figure out how to get access to a scanner or something similar so I can post them on here. I think yawll would enjoy
Ive been drawing one or two... I dont know... happier things, since I met this one girl. She is really nice. Named Portia. Nice name
Well! I don't know what else to say about that. Im just looking for excuses to hang out and get to know her, and planning on asking her to a movie in a week or so and ending the conversation with something like "So, its a date?" then
I would ask her flat out, but we just met each other this week so I figure it would be better to get to know each other a little better first. I really do hope things work out anyways, I really like this girl
Not only is she hawt, she has a great personality too
Do any of the ladies out there have any feminine type advice for me? Im a nice guy, but, I have to admit... Ive never been good at the flirting / asking someone out thing.

Oh! Speaking of, I have to figure out how to get access to a scanner or something similar so I can post them on here. I think yawll would enjoy


Well! I don't know what else to say about that. Im just looking for excuses to hang out and get to know her, and planning on asking her to a movie in a week or so and ending the conversation with something like "So, its a date?" then

I would ask her flat out, but we just met each other this week so I figure it would be better to get to know each other a little better first. I really do hope things work out anyways, I really like this girl

Do any of the ladies out there have any feminine type advice for me? Im a nice guy, but, I have to admit... Ive never been good at the flirting / asking someone out thing.
ask her out and a date! i used to love it when a guy would ask me on a date with the sole intention of getting to know me. Those were always the best cause the conversation was usually awesome.
I hated it when a guy would just ask me on a date to get in my pants. No conversation, no intelligence, no way!
Take her out to dinner or coffee or something where you two can actually have a chance to talk. Movies dont cut it for me cuz you dont get a chance to know the person, ya just get groped
This one guy told me I seemed really cool n fun and wanted to get to know me better so he asked me on a date. He came and picked me up and took me to the woods. Which honestly started to creep me out at first. But he said, trust me im not gonna do anything weird. Well I went into the woods with him and we came upon this creek. Inside the creek there were two huge rocks. He carried me over to one rock and he sat on the other and we just started talking. We ended up swimmin in our clothes, collecting pretty rocks, talkin, and having fun till 3am. That was seriously the best date i ever had.
Wow, oops i didnt mean to ramble on so much...damn painkillers....