Sleep is for the weak. I unfortunately am incredibly, wobbly-kneed weak. I wonder how much of my life I live in dreams. Its smells like casseroles. I think I may make the newspaper office my new home. Its got a stereo, bright lights, a kitchen, a bathroom... I saw this red pen on the table and I started to cry bc it was exactly the sort of pen my mom always uses. I don't know why I'm a fucking crybaby. Anyhow, I miss my kitties. Sorry I'm so random and incoherent. Read this, I love this news source:
10 Worst Corporations of 2003
Edit: Despite being 20, I totally just drooled all over myself. I tried eating this caramel apple sucker and its totally all stuck in my teeth now- gah. No appetite but I LOVE candy- so bad.
"Crashing through the parlor doors, what was your first reaction?
Screaming, drunk, disorderly: I'll tell you mine.
You were the one, but I can't spit it out when the date's been set.
The white routine to be ingested inaccurately"...
10 Worst Corporations of 2003

Edit: Despite being 20, I totally just drooled all over myself. I tried eating this caramel apple sucker and its totally all stuck in my teeth now- gah. No appetite but I LOVE candy- so bad.
"Crashing through the parlor doors, what was your first reaction?
Screaming, drunk, disorderly: I'll tell you mine.
You were the one, but I can't spit it out when the date's been set.
The white routine to be ingested inaccurately"...
you can sleep when your dead or this weekend, whichever comes first