Hey! This is my first love a hopeful week since I’ve been here 😍
So let’s nominate some of my favourite hopefuls on here 💖
How can I not mention my babe, my beautiful friend @helainked
She’s so beautiful, kind, sweet and supportive girl that I met here, she deserves to be PINK! 💖
@nannakya my fellow beautiful babe 💖 she has so many amazing sets here, please! She needs more love and to be finally official 💖
@lilmelmelody another fellow beautiful girl, how can she not be pink yet??? Please she’s amazing! 💖
@lanaisonfire what can I say, you already know, she’s a goddess on earth! And she needs to be pink! 💖
And last but not least, my friend @psychocat , her first set is out and wow, I was there while she was shooting, she’s fire! Pink now! 💖
@penny @vaega @kyrie