I saw what I thought was a very good movie the other day:

Day Night Day Night
It's a super stark, stripped down tale of a young girl going to New York with a bomb in her backpack to blow up herself and other people in Times Square. The camera follows her for 48 hours, as she meets hooded terrorists in a sterile hotel room, they prepare her for her task, and then she goes to New York to attempt it. That's all, but it's kind of mesmerizing in its own way. We never learn who the terrorists are or what they believe in, or anything at all about the girl.
It's definitely not for the easily bored. Very, very long takes and little to no action throughout (unless you consider the lead actress clipping her toenails in real time "action").
Anyway, it probably won't be coming to a city near you, so you might have to rent it if you're interested. It's currently playing a brief run here in Portland, at the Hollywood theater on Sandy.
Well, I will be walking during graduation commencement this coming Saturday, and the parents are flying up to witness it. I wish I was actually getting my diploma at the same time, too, but I still have a few classes to take this summer before it's official. However, I am taking a class in Hitchcock's North by Northwest, so that's something to look forward to. Yep, an entire class in nothing but that film. At the end of it, I guess I will have every scene and symbolism memorized.
I got housing at Columbia. A private dorm room with a private bathroom, a few blocks north of campus. Not too bad, for the first couple terms at least. It will get me settled into New York without too much hassle, anyway.
A little over two months and counting down until I leave the NW for the beautiful stink and noise of NYC!

Day Night Day Night
It's a super stark, stripped down tale of a young girl going to New York with a bomb in her backpack to blow up herself and other people in Times Square. The camera follows her for 48 hours, as she meets hooded terrorists in a sterile hotel room, they prepare her for her task, and then she goes to New York to attempt it. That's all, but it's kind of mesmerizing in its own way. We never learn who the terrorists are or what they believe in, or anything at all about the girl.
It's definitely not for the easily bored. Very, very long takes and little to no action throughout (unless you consider the lead actress clipping her toenails in real time "action").
Anyway, it probably won't be coming to a city near you, so you might have to rent it if you're interested. It's currently playing a brief run here in Portland, at the Hollywood theater on Sandy.
Well, I will be walking during graduation commencement this coming Saturday, and the parents are flying up to witness it. I wish I was actually getting my diploma at the same time, too, but I still have a few classes to take this summer before it's official. However, I am taking a class in Hitchcock's North by Northwest, so that's something to look forward to. Yep, an entire class in nothing but that film. At the end of it, I guess I will have every scene and symbolism memorized.
I got housing at Columbia. A private dorm room with a private bathroom, a few blocks north of campus. Not too bad, for the first couple terms at least. It will get me settled into New York without too much hassle, anyway.
A little over two months and counting down until I leave the NW for the beautiful stink and noise of NYC!

I confess that I only read part of your blog. But I got the part where you got housing, YAY! And the part about graduation, YAYAY!
How about getting together on wednesday?
Enjoying 5:55 immensely, merci! So many wonderful tracks! I adore the feathery, hypnotic quality of her voice. And "The Operation"! Le hot, hot damn, indeed! Have you seen la vido? Again, le hot damn!
(No burping, but I think if one listens carefully one might be able to detect a bit of heavy breathing.)
Well, I'm off to watch the Ida Lupino flick that I just picked up. It is called Not Wanted. Looks to be a B-movie "cautionary tale." Should be fun. (I wonder if they'll have the fallen-woman-in-question smoking reefer? Seems a rather common B-movie "bad girl" trope.)
Adieu for now, mon ami!
Bon weekend!