I took my GREs...and not under the best conditions, since I was sick with a nasty-ass cold the whole time...and it was really too late to reschedule the test since application deadlines are looming. I couldn't even take cough drops into the ultra-secure testing area. No type of food could be taken into the test area, and the test center employees had the pleasant personalities of airport security checkpoint weenies. It's understandable though, couldn't let some industrious person create sticky cheat sheets on the surfaces of candies and sticks of gum. So it was four hours of hacking away like an elderly emphysemic smoker while the GRE asked me to find anotnyms for words like "prevaricate"...Overall, I think under more favorable conditions I would have done better, but I wound up doing perfectly average: a little above average verbal, a little below average math, which evened out to nothing too terrible, nothing too amazing, just reasonably average! Which is just fine, since three-quarters of the creative writing grad programs I'm applying to don't even require the GRE, and the ones that do seem to barely care about the scores, or at least only care about the written and verbal parts. And in that case, I think I did much better on the written/essay part...but I don't get those scores back for another ten days or so, so we'll see...
At least it's over with.
Through this past school term I've repeatedly gone over to YouTube to fine some ridiculousness to unwind with, so let me share one of the videos I've recently discovered. Here is Clarence from the incredibly evil yet funny program Wonder Showzen. If you've never seen Wonder Showzen, check it!
What are you running from?
I fuckin love Clarence!
"Oh my god, it's just the sound of screaming babies!"
I think my sense of humor is just getting more and more warped as I grow older...
At least it's over with.
Through this past school term I've repeatedly gone over to YouTube to fine some ridiculousness to unwind with, so let me share one of the videos I've recently discovered. Here is Clarence from the incredibly evil yet funny program Wonder Showzen. If you've never seen Wonder Showzen, check it!
What are you running from?
I fuckin love Clarence!
"Oh my god, it's just the sound of screaming babies!"

I think my sense of humor is just getting more and more warped as I grow older...
I can provide the beer, anyway.
What's new, mon ami? Surviving?