Well, I'm glad that the holidays are almost over. I've been in San Diego for the last two weeks, and while it's been nice to see the family and all, it's also been rather trying at times. My pops isn't doing so hot health-wise right now, and he's also having a pretty hard time accepting that he's now 81 years old. I actually went shopping...
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Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. (Unless you're trying to put a square peg in there.) 
My present film fixation:
Anna Magnani. I especially love her in Pasolini's Mamma Roma. Incredible!
Went to see No Country For Old Men and thought it good...though not great. It's definitely worth viewing for Javier Bardem's performance...and bad haircut. (A homicidal Prince Valiant! Yikes!!)
Also recently watched Hot Fuzz. Loads of fun. Check it out, cheeky monkey!
Well, I'm off to bed now. Rarely able to stay up past 10:00pm anymore. Pathetic, I know. *sigh*
Adieu, magoo!

My present film fixation:
Anna Magnani. I especially love her in Pasolini's Mamma Roma. Incredible!
Went to see No Country For Old Men and thought it good...though not great. It's definitely worth viewing for Javier Bardem's performance...and bad haircut. (A homicidal Prince Valiant! Yikes!!)
Also recently watched Hot Fuzz. Loads of fun. Check it out, cheeky monkey!

Well, I'm off to bed now. Rarely able to stay up past 10:00pm anymore. Pathetic, I know. *sigh*
Adieu, magoo!

Thank you so much for the kind words, mon ami. Sometimes all that carin' and sharin' takes a bit of a toll on my psyche, unfortunately. Need to detach just a trifle more. I've no intention of becoming an apathetic hipster, though, so no worries there. 

Spending Christmas in New York?

Spending Christmas in New York?
Surprising that there are no barbershops like that there. You'd think someone would have copied Seattle and Portland by now.

Automobiles have become my mortal enemy! Oh, how I miss the timid, painfully polite motorists of Portland. *sigh*
you'll go home and hug your mother.
Next week, I plan on doing that very thing.
Good to hear from you, mon ami. Hope that crazy, crowded island is treating you well, and that you are writing your little heart out.
Very cute indeed!
Seems like you're settling in and becoming a regular New Yorker!

Seems like you're settling in and becoming a regular New Yorker!
Cute pic of Elle. I never got into Joy Division and really know very little about them. I'll recommend the movie to K, though, since they were a little more her thing and she can watch for it to come out on DVD. I seriously doubt any theaters in Bismarck will be showing it.
Thanks. The weather ended up being very mild, so no problems while I was on the road. It was warmer on the way back, like t-shirt weather warm.
I like the first video.
The second one is a 21st century organ grinder.
I like the first video.
The second one is a 21st century organ grinder.
I like you.
You will dig this:
You will dig this:

A new journal for my good pals who demand more updates...
Well, things are movin along here for me...I've had some issues with getting my financial aid refund & it's been delayed, which has been a real pain in the ass. Money goes so quick here in NYC it's insane. I'm not spending extravagantly in any way, but I have still noticed just how rapidly...
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Well, things are movin along here for me...I've had some issues with getting my financial aid refund & it's been delayed, which has been a real pain in the ass. Money goes so quick here in NYC it's insane. I'm not spending extravagantly in any way, but I have still noticed just how rapidly...
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Thanks for that article!
I was actually aware of the fact that a language dies about every two weeks. I had the chance to meet the last native speaker of a native american language in my field research class. I cannot recall the name of the language, but the experience was amazing. The woman died about 8 months later, if I remember my facts correctly. She was willing to work with one of my professors to get attempt at getting the language written down, but it is an extremely difficult task when there is only one speaker left and she has not practiced the language in over 40 years. Crazy stuff! Sad, too, but tis the nature of languages. They evolve, just like us, and therefor it is basically a survival of the fittest. Unfortunately with languages it has a lot to do with politics and assimilation.
So, thats my response to your article! Thanks for making me think and remember that experience. It had been pushed back in my brain files, and am glad it resurfaced.
Have fun with Mr. Magoo! I hope you learn something from him, it sounded like you weren't to happy about his teaching style, that he can do whatever he pleases since he is a famous poet and teaches at Columbia.
buenas noches senor!
I was actually aware of the fact that a language dies about every two weeks. I had the chance to meet the last native speaker of a native american language in my field research class. I cannot recall the name of the language, but the experience was amazing. The woman died about 8 months later, if I remember my facts correctly. She was willing to work with one of my professors to get attempt at getting the language written down, but it is an extremely difficult task when there is only one speaker left and she has not practiced the language in over 40 years. Crazy stuff! Sad, too, but tis the nature of languages. They evolve, just like us, and therefor it is basically a survival of the fittest. Unfortunately with languages it has a lot to do with politics and assimilation.
So, thats my response to your article! Thanks for making me think and remember that experience. It had been pushed back in my brain files, and am glad it resurfaced.
Have fun with Mr. Magoo! I hope you learn something from him, it sounded like you weren't to happy about his teaching style, that he can do whatever he pleases since he is a famous poet and teaches at Columbia.
buenas noches senor!
Hullo, New Yorker!!
You may be broke, but at least you're not bored!
Yes, the Mabel Dodge was way cool. Very funky and charming. No luck getting a photo of the D.H. Lawrence commode, sadly, as the room was occupied. I did get a few pics of his bawdy, banned paintings, however. There's a hotel in downtown Taos that houses a small collection of his artwork. Some rather naughty stuff! (David Herbert was a bit of a pervert!) As soon as I get a couple of the photos sized, I'll be sure to share them with you.
Received your lovely email, 'tis true, but have not had time to respond, unfortunately. Work has been enormously busy, and the "significant other" pretty much monopolizes the home computer. I do intend to get back to you, though. Humble apologies for my laxity and neglect. I beg your forgiveness.
MOMA is heaven on earth. When I die, I want to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled all around the Fifth Floor.
Be well, mon ami.

You may be broke, but at least you're not bored!

Yes, the Mabel Dodge was way cool. Very funky and charming. No luck getting a photo of the D.H. Lawrence commode, sadly, as the room was occupied. I did get a few pics of his bawdy, banned paintings, however. There's a hotel in downtown Taos that houses a small collection of his artwork. Some rather naughty stuff! (David Herbert was a bit of a pervert!) As soon as I get a couple of the photos sized, I'll be sure to share them with you.
Received your lovely email, 'tis true, but have not had time to respond, unfortunately. Work has been enormously busy, and the "significant other" pretty much monopolizes the home computer. I do intend to get back to you, though. Humble apologies for my laxity and neglect. I beg your forgiveness.
MOMA is heaven on earth. When I die, I want to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled all around the Fifth Floor.

Be well, mon ami.

Well, I've arrived in NYC and just had my first class of graduate school this morning: "The Total DH Lawrence," taught by this dapper octogenarian gentleman who very much resembles a hip, bespeckled Mr. Magoo, squinting through these huge round glasses with red frames to match the rest of his red-themed outfit (red tie, red plaid shirt, skinny red belt). He's the hippest 80-something I've...
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I love the way you describe your sartorially eccentric "Prof. Magoo." He sounds like a right old sweetie! Quite the character, I have no doubt. 
I'm heading down to Taos, New Mexico, this weekend, to stay at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House, so I'll try to get a photo of the toilet seat that DH Lawrence painted whilst supposedly under the influence of various and sundry psilocybins. Verily!

I'm heading down to Taos, New Mexico, this weekend, to stay at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House, so I'll try to get a photo of the toilet seat that DH Lawrence painted whilst supposedly under the influence of various and sundry psilocybins. Verily!
I'm down to only like five or six friends on here...
Quality over quantity, monsieur!!!
Splendid journal, splendid pics.
(More posts!! The sedentary masses living vicariously through you demand it!)
I agree with Cybele, we demand more updates. Especially since you are a full fledged Manhattanite now!
Look into checking out the graphic novel section of a library. You can get volumes of fables that have about 10 issues in each one. That way you can read them all in order. I have most of them, as well as the individual comic books, so if we were still in the same town you could borrow them. Alas, no.
How it the True Stories coming along? I was listening to the soundtrack at work tonight because I was all alone and nobody came in to buy shampoo. It was awesome.
molti baci!
Look into checking out the graphic novel section of a library. You can get volumes of fables that have about 10 issues in each one. That way you can read them all in order. I have most of them, as well as the individual comic books, so if we were still in the same town you could borrow them. Alas, no.

How it the True Stories coming along? I was listening to the soundtrack at work tonight because I was all alone and nobody came in to buy shampoo. It was awesome.
molti baci!
Greetings, kids.
Well, I have begun my summer school term, which includes a writing class taught by a Danish novelist, Peter Fogdtal. He's written something like 11 novels, none of which have been translated yet into English (though one translation is finally coming out in late '08). I've only had two classes with him so far, but my impression of him has been positive. He...
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Well, I have begun my summer school term, which includes a writing class taught by a Danish novelist, Peter Fogdtal. He's written something like 11 novels, none of which have been translated yet into English (though one translation is finally coming out in late '08). I've only had two classes with him so far, but my impression of him has been positive. He...
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I am in the process of explaining my previous comment.
And here we go.
WHO'S the boom king is from Flight of the Conchords.
To be a bit more precise, its from the following clip. You've seen it luv!
and yes, this is another ambien induced comment.
And here we go.
WHO'S the boom king is from Flight of the Conchords.
To be a bit more precise, its from the following clip. You've seen it luv!
and yes, this is another ambien induced comment.

"there are no good-looking Danes"
Au contraire, mon professeur!

Connie Nielsen, Danish actress.

Viggo Mortensen, half-Danish actor.

Peter Hoeg, Danish author.
I resurrected ye olde SG avatar in order to commemorate Bastille Day. That, and I missed she of the wee, red beret.
Summer term is almost over for you, no?
Au contraire, mon professeur!

Connie Nielsen, Danish actress.

Viggo Mortensen, half-Danish actor.

Peter Hoeg, Danish author.
I resurrected ye olde SG avatar in order to commemorate Bastille Day. That, and I missed she of the wee, red beret.

Summer term is almost over for you, no?

I confess that I only read part of your blog. But I got the part where you got housing, YAY! And the part about graduation, YAYAY!
How about getting together on wednesday?

I confess that I only read part of your blog. But I got the part where you got housing, YAY! And the part about graduation, YAYAY!
How about getting together on wednesday?
Bonsoir, monsieur fancy-pants graduate! Don't forget the little people, d'accord? 
Enjoying 5:55 immensely, merci! So many wonderful tracks! I adore the feathery, hypnotic quality of her voice. And "The Operation"! Le hot, hot damn, indeed! Have you seen la vido? Again, le hot damn!
(No burping, but I think if one listens carefully one might be able to detect a bit of heavy breathing.)
Well, I'm off to watch the Ida Lupino flick that I just picked up. It is called Not Wanted. Looks to be a B-movie "cautionary tale." Should be fun. (I wonder if they'll have the fallen-woman-in-question smoking reefer? Seems a rather common B-movie "bad girl" trope.)
Adieu for now, mon ami!
Bon weekend!

Enjoying 5:55 immensely, merci! So many wonderful tracks! I adore the feathery, hypnotic quality of her voice. And "The Operation"! Le hot, hot damn, indeed! Have you seen la vido? Again, le hot damn!
(No burping, but I think if one listens carefully one might be able to detect a bit of heavy breathing.)

Well, I'm off to watch the Ida Lupino flick that I just picked up. It is called Not Wanted. Looks to be a B-movie "cautionary tale." Should be fun. (I wonder if they'll have the fallen-woman-in-question smoking reefer? Seems a rather common B-movie "bad girl" trope.)
Adieu for now, mon ami!
Bon weekend!

Hey! Happy birthday! Hope you're having a good day and that a big piece of cake is in your future!

Another film recommendation for you. It's a Charlotte vs. Charlotte psycho-drama/smack-down! Weird and spooky. Most enjoyable.
Great seeing you again, mon ami. I regret that I was not at my conversational best...and operating under a "curfew," unfortunately. Too much family, not enough time to myself, sadly. Ah, well. C'est la vie!
Adieu! Stay in touch!
PS: Yes! Berkeley Breathed! Long-live Bill and Opus! Ack!!!

Another film recommendation for you. It's a Charlotte vs. Charlotte psycho-drama/smack-down! Weird and spooky. Most enjoyable.

Great seeing you again, mon ami. I regret that I was not at my conversational best...and operating under a "curfew," unfortunately. Too much family, not enough time to myself, sadly. Ah, well. C'est la vie!
Adieu! Stay in touch!

PS: Yes! Berkeley Breathed! Long-live Bill and Opus! Ack!!!

I continue to pine.