Here marks the tombstone of another red day cast of bleak and absent breaths of nothing, marked of chalk and sighs of no one special. My pointless wander leads me absolutely nowhere that could ever be mistaken for valuable and the no words I wastefully mutter fall ten feet short of the fools who wouldnt listen to a zero like me anyhow. My hands dangle as the corpse in the noose as my head mimics their futile thrashings, mimics my clumbsy foot steps, mimics my slouched shoulders and bobbing trudge down another dirt road leading right back to where I began. If I ever began at all. Something a bit too blurred to identify taps a cold prick on my thumb, which cares about as much as I dont. something a bit too shady brushes the line of my closed eye, which cares about as much as I dont. nothing stops my lack of progress as the nothing moves through the not so mind I dont even have. Bink and bonk, the sounds of the shackles that arent on my feet but feel like theyve been cutting through since the day she didnt bother to say good bye. Bump and bump, the sounds of the crucifix thats not on my crushed shoulders but feels like its been saddling me since the day she didnt bother to say she no longer cares. Ooh and awe, the sound of death, confused with the sound I heard as she failed to mention the other boy who made her cry the only tears meant for only one. The only day she locked the door. The only day I never stopped living. Or started dying. I forget. I only wish I could forget. I can never forget though.
I return with mo' pesky questions, you up for fielding them?
Buying new hardware - if you had to choose a system right now, what would it be & why, oh, why? Processor/RAM/Chipsets/Motherboard? PC or Mac? Dual Processors? Gay Cock?!? Looking for a powerhouse animation combo o' components, dont wanna buy the wrong thang. If I buy Dell, does that make me a fool?
How do I get Dia in my corner?