So, Today was TRENT DUCATI'S birthday and though he's in San Francisco, I decided to pay homage to a friend and go to the local KARAOKE bar where i would request CYNDI LAUPER'S ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT and perform in the lavish tongue of a death metal saint. It was AWESOME!!! i rocked that place down!
Tucson is full of hicks and old timers. so despite the fact that there were no words from their lips, the looks on their faces read LYNCH! so i got the hell up out of there "lickety split"
On the lighter side of things, some friends asked me to drive with them to NEW YORK on sunday... in several cars at 60 mph since one is a cargo van. I just might do it. I have nothing else to do with my time and they're fuckin cool people- so what the hell? i said it myself that I need to change things up in my life so here's a window. must ponder... must ponder. I have to let them know by tomorrow night.
I'm actually not pissed for the first time in several weeks! nice! and I got paid, so even nicer!
So, Today was TRENT DUCATI'S birthday and though he's in San Francisco, I decided to pay homage to a friend and go to the local KARAOKE bar where i would request CYNDI LAUPER'S ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT and perform in the lavish tongue of a death metal saint. It was AWESOME!!! i rocked that place down!
Tucson is full of hicks and old timers. so despite the fact that there were no words from their lips, the looks on their faces read LYNCH! so i got the hell up out of there "lickety split"
On the lighter side of things, some friends asked me to drive with them to NEW YORK on sunday... in several cars at 60 mph since one is a cargo van. I just might do it. I have nothing else to do with my time and they're fuckin cool people- so what the hell? i said it myself that I need to change things up in my life so here's a window. must ponder... must ponder. I have to let them know by tomorrow night.
I'm actually not pissed for the first time in several weeks! nice! and I got paid, so even nicer!
Think of the compliments thing like this, someone has taken the time to notice a quality in you worth recognition. By denying the compliment you insult the judgement of the individual complimenting you.
We exist not as isolated entities in this reality, but as points of energy which affect the other points around them. One can go so far as to say a single point of energy can affect the entire universe since electromagnetic waves continue in every direction forever. Sometimes the effect is good, sometimes it's not so good. Most times it isn't realized until long after the individual who caused the effect has passed on.
Strange how the world works?
And I must say I haven't been this philosophical since college, damn. I'm only a year older than you and I have my own company. It really isn't that difficult for people to start their own, but everyone is always impressed when I tell them. So, perhaps there are those of us out there who don't fit into the mold. We live far more interesting live, in my opinion. Age is only a matter of perception.