Division 104 sets out the regime
Control and Prevention!
But the cells we dont see
Still contain beating hearts
And the voices of men.
We don't hear the names,
Like Habib or Faheem,
And we don't hear the chains.
But we see every Federal Suit that comes in
Justify abuse
So the free can live safe and secure
In their Atro-City.
Control and Prevention!
But the cells we dont see
Still contain beating hearts
And the voices of men.
We don't hear the names,
Like Habib or Faheem,
And we don't hear the chains.
But we see every Federal Suit that comes in
Justify abuse
So the free can live safe and secure
In their Atro-City.

Thank youfor your lovely comment on my member review set honey! It is hard to be yummier than chocolate in my opinion! <3