Back online with big wooden door blocking off the side of the house so naughty puppies can't get under there and chew things again. Been sick with the flu for a week now. Thought I was getting better but woke up today feeling crap again. Probably shouldn't have had a few drinkies on the weekend and the cigarettes wouldn't have helped either. Feeling content at the moment otherwise, with new relationship just starting with a gorgeous young girl i met near work. I've been buying coffee from her for ages and then one day she gave me my coffee plus her phone number. Our age difference is a lot but we have been having lots of fun together and she's quite intellegent and mature for a 19 year old. But she has no idea what i'm talking about when i mention Masters of the Universe, The Goodies, Tron, Monkey Magic and most of the other icons of 1980s popular culture, and i'm equally oblivious to much of the contemporary stuff she's grown up with. But, at least for now, this experiential gap seems to be a positive thing - enhancing the excitement and fascination with exploring each other.
I consulted the I Ching last night on another matter. It said I should not cross the great water.
I consulted the I Ching last night on another matter. It said I should not cross the great water.
Hope its going well with your lady loves!

How is it going?!