These particular linked episodes may take awhile to unfold, bear with me..
So MBW and I have been chugging along with the usual occasional ups and down, but basically very happy for sometime now.
A few months ago however MBW started to become close to another man (The Other Man we'll call him ;) ). She was, at first, quite open about their friendship, asking me if I was ok with them meeting for coffee etc. Which not being a possessive type I was.
Over time I became aware how much they were texting and by MBW's reaction to a couple of texts she received that the content had become more than a little flirtatious. I started to feel quite insecure and stressed and was already under a certain amount of strain from work. I challenged her on occasions, both gently and firmly about TOM but she insisted that i)there was nothing untoward going on and ii) jealousy from a partner was, for her, a dealbreaker. Consequently, I trod very carefully on the subject, whilst becoming more stressed and laying awake every night after a few hours sleep worrying if I was going to lose her, lose our child, lose everything.
Well, eventually, one night she said they were going to meet in a few days, and I again expressed my concern and frustration, and then it all came out..
more next time...