or would have been great if I hadn't lost my photos somehow.
silly boy!
I'm on nights since last night. I hate them. I can't sleep, I'm emotionally labile in the extreme, and barely able to look after myself.
was going to insert some piece of sharply written prose about the night and the undead existence it gives you.. but i couldn't be arsed. another time
I nomally do 7, but I've got shot of the last 3 hooray
. so tuesday nite looking forward to a coupla beers and an hour or two on here.
highlight of the night was chatting with a cute nursie. unlike the nice nurses outfits in PVC that I've occasionally seen knockin about
nurses' uniforms seem to fall into 2 sorts;
- shapeless bag like tops that could conceal an elephant.
- tunic and trouser affairs that seem designed to make every womans bum look like the back end of a bus.
maybe all the money wasted mismanaging the NHS could be spent on rectifying this problem
anyway got to go and get myself sorted for work.
cutie's on again tonight!
take care!

silly boy!
I'm on nights since last night. I hate them. I can't sleep, I'm emotionally labile in the extreme, and barely able to look after myself.
was going to insert some piece of sharply written prose about the night and the undead existence it gives you.. but i couldn't be arsed. another time
I nomally do 7, but I've got shot of the last 3 hooray

highlight of the night was chatting with a cute nursie. unlike the nice nurses outfits in PVC that I've occasionally seen knockin about

- shapeless bag like tops that could conceal an elephant.
- tunic and trouser affairs that seem designed to make every womans bum look like the back end of a bus.
maybe all the money wasted mismanaging the NHS could be spent on rectifying this problem

anyway got to go and get myself sorted for work.
cutie's on again tonight!
take care!