I saw my classroom yesterday. Tomorrow, I'm going to take my last day off (not counting weekends, of course) to decorate it. I was so excited walking into that room. It has two cinderblock walls and two drywall walls. It's painted white from top to bottom. The chalkboard is a little to small, the floor is super shiny from just being waxed. The desk is grey and brown, though my computer is a surprising black. There are 28 desks, and 30 chairs (not counting my chair). There is a 25" television set mounted up high, and two narrow wooden bookshelves sit aginst one wall. There is one large window, which looks out on a concrete courtyard. A podium, which will most likely be unused, sits in one corner.
It is, by all accounts, a typical hell-hole classroom, the kind any 11th grader would dread. But I love it. It reminded me of when we bought our house, and I walked in and said... "This is mine. I can't believe this is mine." That's how it felt. Amazing.
It is, by all accounts, a typical hell-hole classroom, the kind any 11th grader would dread. But I love it. It reminded me of when we bought our house, and I walked in and said... "This is mine. I can't believe this is mine." That's how it felt. Amazing.
that's so sweet man