Have you ever found something that you wrote a few years ago. I just found something that my dad had coppied off a peice of scrap papper that I had written before.
Before Dusk
An incandescent rose coloured light,
Takes center stage to the blushing sky,
Peering through cotton candy cloud,
And yellow tinged leaves.
From the treetops, whispering to the breeze
Melodies of past summer days,
that used to be
Almost as if it never happened, yet
Imprinted in the soul, the sound of
Everlasting echoes.
The leaves will soon lose all memory,
Of lush green when they turn to gold...
But I will remember, through night, through day,
Through seasons of Change
I will remember everything
Funny that was a while ago now. And yet I remember that day. I had been roller blading on the path that's nearish my house. I think it must have been early september. That summer that had just passed was an interesting one. I drank and smoked a lot of weed. And it was the first summer that I had, that I knew I wasn't going to school in September. Kinda surreal how I can remember all that from just rereading something that I wrote two years ago now.

I feel that I should mention that I really enjoy your profile picture as well.
That's all, I guess!