Wednesday night I went to the boy's(the guy I made out with the other night) place. It was pretty cool. We played some online Halo. I wish I was better at it, so I could have killed more people. video violence=fun! Then we drank some jag with his roommate, then I was very drunk, and then i had some hot druken make outs, then we fell asleep untill we had to drive his room mate to the air port for 5 in the morning. By this time I think I was still drunk. So that was a pretty cool night. If I never hang out with this guy again at least I had fun once. The next day a bit hungover and dehydrated I went for some reiki. Which was pretty interesting. I totally felt awesome. My Chakras are now properly aligned and spinning as they should. Theatre History was awesome that day too. The teacher had lost his notes before the class but it all worked pretty good. That night I had my first drawing class. I'm totally psyched about it. Also it's nice to be in a class where everyone is different ages. Today work was freakin crazy! I was in the lounge today and we are usually three on Fridays but today we were only two so that kinda sucked! 10:45 to 5 without any break, I could barely finish my cash out at the end of the day. My Brain wasn't working very well. I told the manager he should buy me lunch and he did so at least I made awesome money and I got free food. Tomorow I get to see Rober Munsch, he has a preformance at Keyano Theatre! Sweet!
Latley I have been in love with the song Everlong by Foo Fighters.

Latley I have been in love with the song Everlong by Foo Fighters.

Robert Munsch? Cool. Enjoy that. I know I would. Though I would likely have to be a little stoned. Worked for Ernie Coombs. Anyway... have fun.
That is a really good song, so is February Stars off the same CD