Yesterday, turned out to be a pretty good day. Work was mellow and easy, I was done early and came home with 50$. Which is not all that much but for the amount that I worked is just fine with me. I even did the crossword with one of the customers. So I was getting paid for slacking, which is always the best! After work I went to my friends house for supper. His dad had cooked this awesome supper and then we finsished off what was left out of a bottle of wine, then he opened this other bottle of wine. It was SOOO good! So my friend and I got sloshed on wine, then went to his friend's house to smoke some weed. We listened to some Sarah Slean, and then we watched some Canadian Idol...why the Canadian Idol I am not sure at all. But I was sufficiently kronked(the guy's house I went to, that was his word) then they walked me home and it felt like on of the longest walks EVER! But it was all good, then I went to bed. And slept which is probably the best part.
haha canadian idol??? we have pop idol, thats terrible!!!
i will check out the graphic novel series!
thankyou for recomending
stay safe jigga!