Yesterday, even though the weather was super lame, ended being a really good day.
I read about electrolytes in the morning.
Went for a blood test, the lady at the desk had this really fancy phrase for peeing in a cup. I was highly amused I wish I could remember exactly what she said.
I finished Harry Potter. Can't wait for the new one to come out
I had a really good long roller blade and sat and did the cross word at the max until my feet feel asleep.
Went and woke up my friend who had been partying the night before. Took a lot of loud knocking on my part but it was 4 it was time to wake up!
We went to Dairy Queen for some Onion rings and ice cream, while we tried figuring the cross word, which he wasn't much help with.
Went to the health food store and looked around, and I bought a Tarot deck. Found out I have a lot of reading to do so I can understand them a bit better. I'm not a full fledged crystal clutching hippie just yet, but I don't want to limit to what I chose to believe in either.
Went to Rogers Video, my friend bought some movies.
Came back to my house. I showed him what I thought were the coolest tattooed wings ever. I think Bella's are amazing!
Then we went to a friends house and played some Super Mario 3! I hadn't played in SOOO long
Then we went over at his house and watched Last Tango in Paris...What a movie! I LOVED the ending!! And then we watched half of Closer, I had to go home because I had to get up early today to go to work.
Next time I don't think I would watch two movies like that in a row though. It was a bit much.
Work today was pretty good, it was busy lunch but it went down smooth.
Made 80$
Then Coming home was hell. Longest Bus ride ever!! There's only one road in this town, and if something happens traffic is a royal bitch. But anyway that was the only thing that really sucked.

I read about electrolytes in the morning.
Went for a blood test, the lady at the desk had this really fancy phrase for peeing in a cup. I was highly amused I wish I could remember exactly what she said.
I finished Harry Potter. Can't wait for the new one to come out
I had a really good long roller blade and sat and did the cross word at the max until my feet feel asleep.
Went and woke up my friend who had been partying the night before. Took a lot of loud knocking on my part but it was 4 it was time to wake up!
We went to Dairy Queen for some Onion rings and ice cream, while we tried figuring the cross word, which he wasn't much help with.
Went to the health food store and looked around, and I bought a Tarot deck. Found out I have a lot of reading to do so I can understand them a bit better. I'm not a full fledged crystal clutching hippie just yet, but I don't want to limit to what I chose to believe in either.
Went to Rogers Video, my friend bought some movies.
Came back to my house. I showed him what I thought were the coolest tattooed wings ever. I think Bella's are amazing!
Then we went to a friends house and played some Super Mario 3! I hadn't played in SOOO long
Then we went over at his house and watched Last Tango in Paris...What a movie! I LOVED the ending!! And then we watched half of Closer, I had to go home because I had to get up early today to go to work.
Next time I don't think I would watch two movies like that in a row though. It was a bit much.
Work today was pretty good, it was busy lunch but it went down smooth.
Made 80$
Then Coming home was hell. Longest Bus ride ever!! There's only one road in this town, and if something happens traffic is a royal bitch. But anyway that was the only thing that really sucked.

Super Mario 3 is a classssic. Kind of makes me wanna head down the basement to fish up my NES to play it
Let's not talk about it, ok?