So the play For Whom The Southern Belle Tolls, is going quite well. It was a pretty stressfull past week with the last rehearsal runs and working, but now I got that out of the way with no work tomorow, and just two more preformances at 4 and 8. But with that being said; I've got to say that it's probably the most stress free show I ever been in. The director was pretty chill, all the actors knew what they were doing and it was only 30 minute play so that was a nice bonus as well. Other than that, I have been quite lonely. It will be very nice to go on my mini vacation and see some friends. Freakpirate has been around but he's at his own venue working ridiculous amounths of hours Hopefully maybe we will drink tonight.
Tomorow I will be less emo
Update: My friend, and stage manager from the show, came to see if I wanted to go see a play. So now I'm considerably less emo. The play was written by one of my old college buddies from back when I was a drama student, so it was very nice to see him.
Tomorow I will be less emo
Update: My friend, and stage manager from the show, came to see if I wanted to go see a play. So now I'm considerably less emo. The play was written by one of my old college buddies from back when I was a drama student, so it was very nice to see him.
Bah... quitter. Some of us can maintain emo for an entire week in a row.
Tomorrow... sushi, movies, heavy drinking? I'm done around 6 and could probably pick you up. I need a fucking break.