So my birthday came and went. It wasn't too bad at all. Happy to be an even number again. I just like being even numbers; I don't have a good reason for it, I just do. For my birthday I had one of those mud wraps things. That was super relaxing and my skin still feels uber soft. I went to lunch with on of the girls I work with. We went to one of the few nice little places we have. They have the best sandwiches ever! They make their own bread; this yellow fluffy tasty bread called Sunshine Bread. She gave me a nice little painting by a local artist. For super my boyfriend and I went to the other very nice restaurant in the city for super. The best part of it was desert. CHOCOLATE TURTLE CHEESECAKE! He got me a gift cirtificate to the Body Shop. He also got me a candle and pot pourit set...that I didn't open because me and pot pourit do NOT get along. I felt like a jerk, but I made him feel better...
This morning I had my first rehearsal. I think it's going to go along quite well. The show is only 25 minutes long and the other actors seem to be quite competent. Hurrray for competency! The other day my boyfriend had himself "a little grease fire" His words. I came in there and my jaw dropped. No one was hurt though, and nothing more than surface damage. Maybe makes me a bad person to say it but I'm glad it wasn't me. Anyway gotta get my ass to work.

This morning I had my first rehearsal. I think it's going to go along quite well. The show is only 25 minutes long and the other actors seem to be quite competent. Hurrray for competency! The other day my boyfriend had himself "a little grease fire" His words. I came in there and my jaw dropped. No one was hurt though, and nothing more than surface damage. Maybe makes me a bad person to say it but I'm glad it wasn't me. Anyway gotta get my ass to work.
I'm now an even number as well!
oohhh...the body shop is such a treat.