Bonne Fte a moi! Wow, I'm 24. Pretty nifty stuff how 24 years ago I was just this tiny baby, and today I'm a grown woman. Today I'm going to the spa and going for those body wrap scrub thinngs. Should be absolutley divine. Tonight I'm going to a nice restaurant with my boy. It's unfortunate that I won't be able to drink, because I'm on antibiotics because of sludge that I have been coughing up lately. Eww...sludge.
So since I have been gone.
So since I have been gone.
- I was a vegetarian for 6 months...but I wasn't eating healthy enough to support that diet
- I started dating this guy, whom I very much adore
- I auditioned for a play for InterPlay(a weekend long theatre festival here in the city) and I got a part in it. Reharsals start on sunday
- I bought a new computer, an Ibook. I love it! I especially like my french canadian keyboard.
- Way back in Febuary I visited Freakpirate and Lucy. There was much giggles and laughs.
- Still waitressing at Bp's. More lounge shifts though, which means more money. And the money has been very good
- Read a bunch of books don't know where I would start
- And today is my birthday!
I'm happy to be back and catch up with all of you
happy bday!
on being vegitarion. 

so long as there can be liquor too