There was this really dreamy looking guy that started at work today. Tall, dark hair, light blue eyes. Totally my type. Hadn't felt that incredible attraction since ex boyfriend of last year. It was ridiculous the amount of flirting I did today. ALMOST embarassing really. He has my number he said he would call me tonight...if he does then I will be smitten, if he doesn't he will pushed into far corners in my brain where, I will return to my days of work and school and no social life.
EDIT: No call.

EDIT: No call.
Boys are silly. We think with our willy.
Anyone who says they'll do something and then doesn't is a liar. I know society says that not calling or waiting a certain amount of days before calling is okay and not to be frowned upon, but, methinks honesty is always best.
Furthermore, murder can be pretty funny. I vouch for that. And if not, just keep being fabulous and he'll eventually realize what a fool he was for not calling. Then do the whole murder thing.