my subscription ends this month to SG, not what day exactly, but will soon. Right now I can not pay the renewal, I have many expenses and I have little work, and I have to cut costs. I look forward to once again enjoy the community SG.
Thank you very much to all people, two years have been fantastic, I hope to return soon....
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my subscription ends this month to SG, not what day exactly, but will soon. Right now I can not pay the renewal, I have many expenses and I have little work, and I have to cut costs. I look forward to once again enjoy the community SG.
Thank you very much to all people, two years have been fantastic, I hope to return soon....
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two weeks ago I had an accident with the bike by myself, I was going down a hill at full speed and not as a first step, but I went to hit the handlebars of the bike and the asphalt.
Luckily I have no broken bones, only two teeth, but a lot of pain in the arms, wrists still I can not move much....
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two weeks ago I had an accident with the bike by myself, I was going down a hill at full speed and not as a first step, but I went to hit the handlebars of the bike and the asphalt.
Luckily I have no broken bones, only two teeth, but a lot of pain in the arms, wrists still I can not move much....
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Good luck on the recovery!
Hope you get better quickly
Hello friends of SG
I write in my blog recently because I have little time, hard work and a lot of stress, change a few months ago home, many reforms, but has finally ended a year ago my father died, it meant to me a turning point in my life within the bad of the death of my father, I decided that life goes on...
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I write in my blog recently because I have little time, hard work and a lot of stress, change a few months ago home, many reforms, but has finally ended a year ago my father died, it meant to me a turning point in my life within the bad of the death of my father, I decided that life goes on...
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Kisses my friend.
Igualmente bonito!!
After many days without taking time to write quietly today I found a while, recent months have been very stressful job, especially reforms of my new home, finally I have own house, a beautiful place in Barcelona, in the best neighborhood, Grcia.
I proposed this date, March 2011, a new approach to life, no transfer is radical, but if you bring order to the chaos...
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I proposed this date, March 2011, a new approach to life, no transfer is radical, but if you bring order to the chaos...
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Hey! Te agradezco mucho tus comentarios en mis sets! Me alegro qe te hayan gustado! Saludos para ti! Buena semana! 


Merry Christmas! Feliz navidad! Bon Nadal!.
Ya he aceptado la solicitud! Qu grupo suena bien? Bayside?
Si es as, y que lo digas! Hace tiempo que iba leyendo cosas sobre ellos pero nunca me decid a escucharles, y ya que maana los vea los busqu en Spotify y me han encantado :__
Oh, pues entonces ya ir subiendo cosillas de algunos grupos que escucho, siempre es bueno recomendar y que te recomienden
Gracias, intentar pasarlo lo mejor posible. Yo me voy ya a dormir jaja.
Ya hablamos por aqui

Ya he aceptado la solicitud! Qu grupo suena bien? Bayside?

Oh, pues entonces ya ir subiendo cosillas de algunos grupos que escucho, siempre es bueno recomendar y que te recomienden

Gracias, intentar pasarlo lo mejor posible. Yo me voy ya a dormir jaja.
Ya hablamos por aqui

Gracias bonitoooo! 

this year is a different year, my father is dead 4 months ago, and my life is having more news, i life day to day.
i need news sensantions, news experiences, new people, but the first that i need is holidays!.
i need news sensantions, news experiences, new people, but the first that i need is holidays!.
thank you for your sweet words on my album.

Thank you for compliment on the video! I did it from my kitchen's window, nothing special as you see.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry for your loss.
Alzheimer's Day September 21, not forgetting that because of an illness can not remember, and their families who suffer the same or more
tribute to all patients, relatives and carers of people suffering from alzehimer and other diseases and alzehimer similar
Alzheimer's Day September 21, not forgetting that because of an illness can not remember, and their families who suffer the same or more
tribute to all patients, relatives and carers of people suffering from alzehimer and other diseases and alzehimer similar
That was very nice
moltssimes grcies 

i need be free!!!!!!!!!!!
Hola! Doncs si, Barcelona va passar rapid... i no crec que torni en un booon temps. Pero bueno, ja veurem. Aquest rollo de la visa por tornarme molt aviat...
gracies pels anims!

gracies pels anims!

Hola, gracias por el add 

In Barcelona there is now a heavy storm, the sky has been dark, as if approaching the great Universal flood , has stopped making heat.
I love these days!
En Barcelona ahora mismo hay una fuerte tormenta, el cielo se ha puesto oscuro, como si se acerca el gran dilubio universal, ha dejado de hacer calor.
Me encantan estos das!
I love these days!
En Barcelona ahora mismo hay una fuerte tormenta, el cielo se ha puesto oscuro, como si se acerca el gran dilubio universal, ha dejado de hacer calor.
Me encantan estos das!
Ola nio!! como te va? mejoran las cosas?
Pues lo complikado es eso, convertirla en aliada, ando con los dias "filosofikos" ultimamente, supongo q siempre pasa cuando las cosas no van bien, le das demasiadas vueltas a la cabeza y te acaba saliendo esto.
Me alegro de q te haya gustado.
aH! y me alegro de q te gustara la foto tmb, es de mi novio.

Pues lo complikado es eso, convertirla en aliada, ando con los dias "filosofikos" ultimamente, supongo q siempre pasa cuando las cosas no van bien, le das demasiadas vueltas a la cabeza y te acaba saliendo esto.
Me alegro de q te haya gustado.
aH! y me alegro de q te gustara la foto tmb, es de mi novio.

A month ago I returned aa write in my blog of Sg, was leaving a complicated time, twelve days ago my father died, was a little sick, but did not expect this outcome, the early days were good, sadness and tears, luckily my mother This work is being good, but I since a week ago inside I am deeper than ever before, many things...
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A month ago I returned aa write in my blog of Sg, was leaving a complicated time, twelve days ago my father died, was a little sick, but did not expect this outcome, the early days were good, sadness and tears, luckily my mother This work is being good, but I since a week ago inside I am deeper than ever before, many things...
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Te mando mucha fuerza
This year 2010 for me not being good year, my parents have been sensitive both in the hospital, but well, almost three months have been very hard and stressful, it seemed that I was all settled, my father smiled again and live at home and not in a hospital bed, my mother had regained complete mobility in her arm.
But Thursday morning I received...
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This year 2010 for me not being good year, my parents have been sensitive both in the hospital, but well, almost three months have been very hard and stressful, it seemed that I was all settled, my father smiled again and live at home and not in a hospital bed, my mother had regained complete mobility in her arm.
But Thursday morning I received...
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ay lo siento tanto por tu padre
mucho animo para estos malos tiempo que todo mejora pronto
besos y abrasos
mucho animo para estos malos tiempo que todo mejora pronto
besos y abrasos

Merci Mercii! 

sorry because the last 4 month i don't write nothing in my blog, i'm very disconected, because i have PROBLEMS health with my family, and my life is very complicated, i need you, because you are another world, a beautiful world, and when i connected with you, with the SG world, i disconnected of the problems of my life.
You're are beautiful, very kisses!...
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sorry because the last 4 month i don't write nothing in my blog, i'm very disconected, because i have PROBLEMS health with my family, and my life is very complicated, i need you, because you are another world, a beautiful world, and when i connected with you, with the SG world, i disconnected of the problems of my life.
You're are beautiful, very kisses!...
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Muchas gracias. Me alegra que te haya gustado, Gracias tambin por agregarme como amiga. Qu tal va todo?
Muchas gracias por tu comentario!!
Pues si, la verdad es q estas tieras tienen algo, la pena q como podemos disfrutar de ellas cada dia acaban perdiendo valor, a mi me enkanta Barcelona, me gusta ir pq esto es demasiado trankilo, jajajaja.
Si te gusta el trabajo de Lyona y LOL no puedes perderte el documental q ha hecho y ha publicado hoy, estoy segura q te encantara, a mi me a cargado las pilas, y estoy segura de q este dia va a ser genial.
my space
Creo q me agregaste al face, pero como no sabia kien eras no te acepte q he tenido ultimamente algun problema con los contactos, si kieres vovler a agregarme te aceptare con gusto.

Pues si, la verdad es q estas tieras tienen algo, la pena q como podemos disfrutar de ellas cada dia acaban perdiendo valor, a mi me enkanta Barcelona, me gusta ir pq esto es demasiado trankilo, jajajaja.
Si te gusta el trabajo de Lyona y LOL no puedes perderte el documental q ha hecho y ha publicado hoy, estoy segura q te encantara, a mi me a cargado las pilas, y estoy segura de q este dia va a ser genial.
my space
Creo q me agregaste al face, pero como no sabia kien eras no te acepte q he tenido ultimamente algun problema con los contactos, si kieres vovler a agregarme te aceptare con gusto.