With great glee and beaming, I can announce the essay was handed in on time (by one minute - 00:59 Germany time and 23:59 UK time - love that 1 hour time difference) and actually earned a reasonable mark, despite the fact I thought I wrote complete tripe and was desperate to rewrite the whole thing. Now I have relative freedom until early June. Naturally I am using my free time wisely, by making jewellery, poking about on the internet, and - oh yes - going to the cinema!
We saw the new Star Trek movie on Monday night. Go see it! It is a work of great genius!
I don't think there has been such a good Star Trek movie since the Wrath of Khan. The special effects are great and the young Spock is....welll...quite nice looking.
While in the Trek mood, I found this little gem on the net...enjoy...
I always thought Kirk and Spock would make an interesting couple...is that bad and wrong?
We saw the new Star Trek movie on Monday night. Go see it! It is a work of great genius!

While in the Trek mood, I found this little gem on the net...enjoy...
I always thought Kirk and Spock would make an interesting couple...is that bad and wrong?

Sounds like you're a slash-fic devotee...
new trek is indeed awesome, and has kicked off me watching the first 6 again...