I am back online. My old computer died a week ago, but the nice guys at the repair shop fixed me up a new one and stuck my old hard drive in as well, so I haven't lost any data!
Not that several years worth of essays in sundry subjects would be missed by anyone, but my pics and music are all there too. I do not want to be parted from my collection of Johnny Mathis songs after all.
It is lovely not to be working right now. I could be happy for the rest of my life just reading and studying and doing my own thing - in fact I have never been busier. Here's what I'm up to right now:
Studying Russian and Art HIstory
Learning Polish
Learning to drive
Translating a WW2 joke book from German to English
All this and trying to keep my hair a nice shade of bright...which reminds me, time to go immerse my head in hair dye.
But first - please enjoy my top tip for Eurovision. Ukraina!!!

It is lovely not to be working right now. I could be happy for the rest of my life just reading and studying and doing my own thing - in fact I have never been busier. Here's what I'm up to right now:
Studying Russian and Art HIstory
Learning Polish
Learning to drive
Translating a WW2 joke book from German to English
All this and trying to keep my hair a nice shade of bright...which reminds me, time to go immerse my head in hair dye.
But first - please enjoy my top tip for Eurovision. Ukraina!!!
hope you enjoyed your weekend and didn't feel as fragile as I did on sunday...