Aaah what an exciting housewifely existence I have. Pot of soup on the stove, yoghurt in the yoghurt maker, washing machine loaded up for tomorrow and a new settee coming in the morning. These, I am afraid, are currently the highlights of my life...
Naah actually there have been some other highspots, like my handsome beloved being home last week
, and I had a granny party and played all my Max Bygraves and Ken Dodd records
and we played pass the parcel to Boney M
and my oldest pal in the world (since 1976!) came to visit
, and we drank a lot of whisky, and I got 83% for my last essay (expected a pish mark), and an interview for the TEFL course I want to attend this summer. It's looking up!
On the subject of handbags, I have a confession to make - I bought a very nice new one. An extremely nice new one. A Lulu Guinness one indeed. It is YUM! But I am definitely not allowed any more after this and I blame all of you reading for not stopping me going into the shop.
You won't believe what the filthy pig of a man next door does. He gets pished and then pees into his empty White Storm bottle and flings it out the window.
Can we bring back hanging?

Naah actually there have been some other highspots, like my handsome beloved being home last week

On the subject of handbags, I have a confession to make - I bought a very nice new one. An extremely nice new one. A Lulu Guinness one indeed. It is YUM! But I am definitely not allowed any more after this and I blame all of you reading for not stopping me going into the shop.
You won't believe what the filthy pig of a man next door does. He gets pished and then pees into his empty White Storm bottle and flings it out the window.

P.S.: About being found out: Can you please tell Tsui how you got me here!
Be good to meet you, I'm intregued to see if you still retain the accent... I don't!