Well, got my essay results back. 90%!
Ich kann wirklich Deutsch! I celebrated by treating myself to a ludicrously expensive bottle of malt whisky. A nice Islay one, which tastes all smoky and peaty and is a bit like having a fag with your dram, while still not smoking.
Counting down now to summer hols. I am planning a week in Berlin with the Taffboy, followed by a week studying in Jena, and finally a weekend in Bavaria visiting my ex. He is in town at the moment and came round last night to bleach his hair. I wrote a song for his band! It is very tasteful and full of intellectual wordplay. Yeah righty. It is called "Beef Curtains". I can't wait to hear the guys singing it. Hee hee!

Counting down now to summer hols. I am planning a week in Berlin with the Taffboy, followed by a week studying in Jena, and finally a weekend in Bavaria visiting my ex. He is in town at the moment and came round last night to bleach his hair. I wrote a song for his band! It is very tasteful and full of intellectual wordplay. Yeah righty. It is called "Beef Curtains". I can't wait to hear the guys singing it. Hee hee!
Hey is there anyway we can hear the song Beef Curtains teehee