Happy New Year!
We celebrated in style at Soldatka Mansions. Not many of us in attendance, just me & 2 friends, but we saw the New Year in in style. 3 course dinner and buckets of fizz. We saluted the New Year throughout Europe by toasting each country according to their time zone.
4pm-8pm: Russia, Mongolia and former Soviet republics. Vodka and Red Army music.
9pm: Not sure but we thought Poland, Slivovitz and dodgy euro-pop.
10pm: Czech republic with Becherovka and euro-pop
11pm: Western Europe and Scandanavia. Jacques Brel. Benedictine and German brandy. Yum!
Midnight! Happy New Year!: a nice malt, Donald where's your troosers, Calum Kennedy and the Bay City Rollers
12.30: Ireland: Whiskey and Val Doonican. Sorry.
1pm.: Portugal: Didn't have anything Portugese, so Julio Iglesias and Fino Sherry
2pm: Atlantic/Carribean: Harry Belafonte and rum cocktails
Alas as I write my 2 male chums have passed out so it's me and a bottle of cava left over...:;
If you are at Club Noir tomorrow will see you, if not then have a great New Year!
We celebrated in style at Soldatka Mansions. Not many of us in attendance, just me & 2 friends, but we saw the New Year in in style. 3 course dinner and buckets of fizz. We saluted the New Year throughout Europe by toasting each country according to their time zone.
4pm-8pm: Russia, Mongolia and former Soviet republics. Vodka and Red Army music.
9pm: Not sure but we thought Poland, Slivovitz and dodgy euro-pop.
10pm: Czech republic with Becherovka and euro-pop
11pm: Western Europe and Scandanavia. Jacques Brel. Benedictine and German brandy. Yum!
Midnight! Happy New Year!: a nice malt, Donald where's your troosers, Calum Kennedy and the Bay City Rollers
12.30: Ireland: Whiskey and Val Doonican. Sorry.
1pm.: Portugal: Didn't have anything Portugese, so Julio Iglesias and Fino Sherry
2pm: Atlantic/Carribean: Harry Belafonte and rum cocktails
Alas as I write my 2 male chums have passed out so it's me and a bottle of cava left over...:;
If you are at Club Noir tomorrow will see you, if not then have a great New Year!


hey hey... have you recovered yet - or are the festivities still going on?