The Continuing Saga Of The Remotest Remote Control In The World... now reaching its conclusion. YAY!
Regular visitors to this journal will know that I bought a DVD player in Germany some time ago but couldn't fit it into my suitcase because there were too many shoes/lipsticks/sausages crammed in. So I asked Deutsche Boy to bring the item to London when we went to see Mister I. Pop playing there. And typical man, when I unpacked the case there was a DVD player but NO REMOTE CONTROL, just 2 pairs of dirty socks that didn't even come with batteries. I ASK YOU!
I had visions of the channel changing to a Bayern Munich football match or Der Bulle Von Tolz every time I settled down to watch Roxy Music Live, or Tomb Of The Cybermen.
But at last! A mere 2 months later the remote control (Or Ferndiener as they say over there) has arrived! And it has also arrived with 2 CDs - the Boy's new CD with his band Gaya (that's Gai-yar not Geigh-ah - I did suggest they did some Village People covers and was soundly glared at) and the Tiere Der Nacht CD I had hankered after. Result!

German readers may like this bit on the sleeve notes:
Gayas Trip durch die Galaxie
Soundkosmonauten fliegen zu fernen unbekannten Ufern - Dimensionen - fermden Welten.
WOW cosmic! and they have a song called Panoptis Space Train!
The Boy told me he had problems sending the whole package from the post office because the dumb fucknut of a wifie at the counter wouldn't believe that Scotland is in the EU.
Grr! Where on earth did she think it was then? I think they have too much lurv between close relatives in that town. now reaching its conclusion. YAY!

Regular visitors to this journal will know that I bought a DVD player in Germany some time ago but couldn't fit it into my suitcase because there were too many shoes/lipsticks/sausages crammed in. So I asked Deutsche Boy to bring the item to London when we went to see Mister I. Pop playing there. And typical man, when I unpacked the case there was a DVD player but NO REMOTE CONTROL, just 2 pairs of dirty socks that didn't even come with batteries. I ASK YOU!

I had visions of the channel changing to a Bayern Munich football match or Der Bulle Von Tolz every time I settled down to watch Roxy Music Live, or Tomb Of The Cybermen.
But at last! A mere 2 months later the remote control (Or Ferndiener as they say over there) has arrived! And it has also arrived with 2 CDs - the Boy's new CD with his band Gaya (that's Gai-yar not Geigh-ah - I did suggest they did some Village People covers and was soundly glared at) and the Tiere Der Nacht CD I had hankered after. Result!

German readers may like this bit on the sleeve notes:
Gayas Trip durch die Galaxie
Soundkosmonauten fliegen zu fernen unbekannten Ufern - Dimensionen - fermden Welten.

WOW cosmic! and they have a song called Panoptis Space Train!
The Boy told me he had problems sending the whole package from the post office because the dumb fucknut of a wifie at the counter wouldn't believe that Scotland is in the EU.

i never saw caligari....
Yeah I really liked all the guys there. One guy went to my art college and another one Id seen his band before. The two other guys are American, I think it is his place maybe. He was really good anyway and drew it for me while I was waiting. I dont have much to compare it too since its my first but Im really happy with it and it healed nicely
Oh and thank you for saying yoou like it!